Victoria Bilogan è nata a Odessa, si è laureata in Odessa al Conservatorio. Dal 1994 vive e lavora a Melbourne (Australia).
Si è laureata al corso post-laurea in pianoforte dell’Università di Melbourne. Ma ha avuto un’altra passione fin dall’infanzia: la passione per il disegno. Allo stesso tempo ha ottenuto due lauree in Belle Arte/ Arti incisorie.
La sua grafica incisoria è intrisa di un forte valore emotivo, sono volti, facce … riproposte in versioni diverse, con linee secche e definite. Analizza con intensità i volti. I forti contrasti di luce e ombre rendono tagliente l’espressione fino a renderle severe e cupe. Le sue figure sembrano uscite da un campo di concentramento. Volti duri che segnano il tempo, un tempo con la visione della distruzione. La tecnica dell’incisione permette di ottenere questi effetti cupi e disastrosi dati dai segni incisi e l’uso di inchiostri scuri.
“Gridare” è il linguaggio dell’incisione in bianco e nero! L’autrice dichiara di seguire i metodi dell’espressionismo. Tuttavia, si intravede nelle sue opere incisorie l’esperienza dei vecchi maestri giapponesi.
Nel suo tratto segnico si coglie una certa pesantezza e disarmonia, ma nello stesso tempo i tratti sono freschi ed esplosivi.
Nel 2006, il lavoro di Victoria Bilogan è stato selezionato come VCA Australia in una mostra collettiva a Tokyo, in Giappone, durante lo scambio delle due più grandi scuole d’arte in Giappone e in Australia.
Recenti opere sono state acquisite da Yukyung Museo di Arte Contemporanea, il Sophia National Art Museum, Bulgaria. Ha partecipato al Guanlan Printmaking Biennale, al Lingshi Printmaking International Biennale ,Cina, al Dunhuang National Museum. E’ stata selezionata per partecipare ad un progetto a Silk Road Itarnational Exchange Progect, Cina, ha partecipato Binhai al Printmaking Camp (Progetto di scambio internazionale in Cina, Tienjin), ha esposto anche in National Museum e Biennale, Macedonia.
Ha frequentato ed esposto nel 2017 alla Scuola Grafica Internazionale di Venezia.
Infine, grazie ad una galleria di arte contemporanea in Assisi e al Primo premio Grafica Atelier 3+10, ha potuto esporre anche in gallerie di Venezia. Visioni Altre ospita l’artista dal 1-15 ottobre 2018.
This month sees the inauguration of Graphic Line, a solo exhibition of work by the artist Victoria Bilogan. The opening is on Friday 5th October 2018, at 6 pm at the Visioni Altre Gallery, in Campo del Ghetto Novo 2918 Venice 3412, curated by Adolfina de Stefani, with a critical presentation by GIANCATERINO and with the collaboration of Erica Russiani.
The exhibition is open until Monday, October 15, 2018 from 11 am to 7 pm, every day. Large and medium-sized engravings are exhibited alongside related drawings and graphics.
Victoria Bilogan was born in Odessa and graduated in music at the Conservatory. Since 1994 she has lived and worked in Melbourne, Australia. She also holds a postgraduate degree in piano from the University of Melbourne. Aside from music, her other passion since early childhood has been drawing, which eventually resulted in her taking two further degrees, in Fine Art and Engraving. Her engravings and graphics are informed by potent emotional engagement, depicting for the most part faces – faces repeated in different versions, with dry and defined lines and analyzed with potent intensity. Strong contrasts of light and shadow sharpen the expressions, creating a dark and haunting ambience. Her figures seem to be denizens of the concentration camp, hard faces that mark the passage of time and offer an unrelenting vision of destruction. The technique of engraving reveals these dark and cataclysmic effects through the deployment of engraved signs and the use of dark inks – the stark monochrome works appear to “shout” their unignorable message. While the artist declares expressionism as her primary influence, there are also perceptible echoes of the Japanese masters. In these striking works, a palpable heaviness and disharmony is tempered by the fresh and explosive rendition of the figures.
In 2006, Victoria Bilogan’s works were selected to represent VCA Australia in a collective exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, during an exchange between the two largest art schools in Japan and Australia. Her recent works have been acquired by the Yukyung Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, the Sophia National Art Museum, Bulgaria, and the Dunhuang National Museum. She participated in the Guanlan Printmaking Biennale, at the Lingshi Printmaking International Biennale, China. She was selected to participate in a show inaugurated by the Silk Road International Exchange project, China. She was awarded a grant to participate in the Binhai Printmaking Interntional Exchange Project, Tienjin, China. She also exhibited in the National Museum and Biennale, Macedonia. Victoria exhibited in 2017 and 2018 at the International Graphic School of Venice. Finally, thanks to a contemporary art gallery in Assisi and the Atelier 3 + 10 Graphic Prize, she was also able to exhibit in galleries in Venice. Visioni Altre hosts the artist from 1-15 October 2018.
On the occasion of the “Graphic Line” exhibition on Friday 5th October 2018, the artist Victoria Bilogan will be presented at the inauguration in Visioni Altre Gallery, in Campo del Ghetto Novo 2918 Venezia 34121.